– scan of all documents is required.

  1. Passport (new & old, all pages)
  2. Digital Photograph with white background, matt finish, 80% face, 35×45 mm
  3. Proof of employment 
  4. Personal Bank Statement for last 6 months (signed & attested by Bank) 
  5. Company Bank Statement for last 6 months (signed & attested by Bank) 
  6. ITR for last 3 years (of self & company in case of Business)
  7. Company registration certificate 
  8. GST certificate of company (all 3 pages) or Partnership deed 
  9. PAN & Aadhar card 
  10. Any financial documents like FD’s, Mutual Funds to state your financial background 
  11. Higher Education details (college, university , year of graduation) 
  12. Date of Marriage (if any) 
  13. Travel date
  14. Visiting Card (if any)
  15. Children details (name, date of birth, profession, address, married or not)
  16. Brother & Sister details (name, date of birth, profession, address, married or not)

Service charges will be Non refundable & Visa fees will be charged as per actual.

Contact us today for your Canada Tourist Visa application.

Categories: Visa


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